Cookie Laws within the EU
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On 26th May 2012, new laws came into force in the EU that affect most websites. If cookies are used in a site, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 (UK Regulations) asks that the website user must give consent to the use and placing of the cookies.

Contact Blue Seas Adjusters Limited-average adjusters-ship-owner claims services
Contact Blue Seas Adjusters Limited for information.
Blue Seas Adjusters, average adjusters, general adjusters, marine, claims, consultants, ship-owner, ships, marine craft
Contact Blue Seas Adjusters Limited

If you would like to contact Blue Seas Adjusters Limited for information, to arrange a meeting or to find out more about us and the services we provide, our address and contact details are shown below. We will be very happy to send you any information requested or discuss your specific needs

Blue Seas Adjusters Limited
59 Mansell Street
E1 8AN

Tel: + 44 20 7481 3335
Fax: + 44 20 7691 7433

Daniel Gibbins: + 44 7970 049 077
Michele Haspineall: + 44 7966 522 632
Nanami Hara: + 44 7849 089 928
Isobelle Smith: + 44 7714 784 544

Registered Number 05433346
Registered Office: 1A Green Close, Brookmans Park, Hertfordshire AL9 7ST